Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cultural Relativism and Whistleblowing Essay

Explain using the ethics of cultural relativism the advantages and disadvantages of whistle blowing Cultural relativism is the principle regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself ( 2012). It is the concept that the importance of a particular cultural idea varies from one society or societal subgroup to another and that ethical and moral standards are relative to what a particular society or culture believes to be good or bad, right or wrong. In other words, â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† are culture-specific; what is considered moral in one society may be considered immoral in another, and, since no universal standard of morality exists, no one has the right to judge another society’s customs. According to Philosophy All (2012) the view that the varied moral or ethical systems are all equally valid is based on the idea that there is no ultimate standard of good or evil; so every judgment about right and wrong is a product of society. Therefore, any opinion on morality or ethics is subject to the cultural perspective of each person. Ultimately, this means that no moral or ethical system can be considered the â€Å"best,† or â€Å"worst,† and no particular moral or ethical position can actually be considered â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong.† Cultural perspective therefore can help us understand why certain actions are considered right or wrong by a particular culture. The actions being referred to include the act of whistle blowing. Boatwright (2009: 90) defines the act whistle blowing as the release of information by a member or former member of an organisation that is evidence of illegal and/or immoral conduct in the organisation or conduct in the organisation that is not in the public interest. Nadler and Schulman (2006) assert that whistle blowing is intricately linked to ethics in that it represents a person’s understanding, at a deep level, that an action his or her organisation is taking is taking is harmful and that it interferes with people’s rights or is unfair or detracts from the common good. The question therefore from a cultural relativism perspective is, through which culture’s lens is the â€Å"common good† being viewed. If in the prevailing culture whistle blowing is a common and acceptable practice an atmosphere where the advantages of whistle blowing has been cultivated. According to Trimborn (2012) the most important of the advantages is that whistle-blowing often ends long-standing wrongdoing that would have otherwise continued. Organisations who encourage a whistle blowing culture, promote transparent structure and effective, clear communication. More importantly, whistle blowing can protect the organization’s clients. Trimborn (2012) cites the example of a hospital employing a number of negligent staff members. Other, more ethically inclined, employees would need to bring such issues to the hospital’s attention, protecting the organization from possible lawsuits or severe mishaps resulting in a patient’s demise. In the case of clear workplace violations of health and safety regulations, or breach of employment laws, workers are protected and their rights upheld. With regard to research or technical issues, whistle-blowers may cite internal memos and other documentation to prove doubts existed about a product (such as a cover- up of certain medication dangers) or that false research results were knowingly published. Whistle-blowers often highlight safety concerns regarding cars or other products, thus protecting an unsuspecting public. Whistle-blowing upholds the law, protects many from the impact of wrongdoing, reveals the truth and prevents further wrongdoing. In cultures where whistle-blowing is frowned upon devastating consequences can be visited upon the whistle blower. Trimborn (2012) reveals some of whistle blowing’s negative repercussions. Firstly, it can bring termination of the whistle-blower’s services by the organization. It would be difficult to remain, no matter how justifiable the decision to reveal illegalities and no matter how much the revelations would actually benefit others. Secondly, big-time revelations could bring down the organization causing everyone to lose their jobs. Thirdly, the whistle-blower can get stigmatized as â€Å"disloyal† and be discredited in some way. Fourthly, the organization and sometimes colleagues may exact some form of revenge on the whistle-blower in retribution. Thus, the whistle-blower is somehow blamed for the wrongdoing and fired without an opportunity for vindication. In communities, the whistle-blower and family may be subject to hostile treatment, viewed as acting out of self-interest with a view to gaining advancement at others’ expense. In conclusion, unless culture, practice and the law indicate that it is safe and accepted for whistle-blowers to raise a genuine concern about corruption or illegality, workers will assume that they risk victimisation, losing their job or damaging their career. They even risk being cast out or ostracised by the communities they emanate from. In cultures where a safety net for whistle-blowers exists the whistle-blower is marked as a person of integrity who has the backbone to do what is right no matter what. It lets others know the whistle-blower can be trusted to deal with others honestly. It also limits the effects of intimidation tactics designed to sway whistle-blowers from taking appropriate action where necessary (Young: 2007).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ib Math Ia

MATME/PF/M12/N12/M13/N13 MATHEMATICS Standard Level The portfolio – tasks For use in 2012 and 2013 Â © International Baccalaureate Organization 2010 7 pages For final assessment in 2012 and 2013 2 MATME/PF/M12/N12/M13/N13 C O N T E N TS T y p e I t as k s Circles T y p e I I t as k s Fish Production Gold Medal Heights INTRODUC TI ON W h a t is t h e p u r p ose of t h is d oc u m e n t ? This document contains new tasks for the portfolio in mathematics SL. These tasks have been produced by the IB, for teachers to use in the examination sessions in 2012 and 2013.It should be noted that most tasks previously produced and published by the IB will no longer be valid for assessment after the November 2010 examination session. These include all the tasks in any teacher support material (TSM), and the tasks in the document tfolio tasks 2009 The tasks in the in the 2012 examinations but N O T in 2013. Copies of all TSM tasks published by the IB are available on the Online Curriculum Centre (OCC), under Internal Assessme not be used, even in slightly modified form. W h a t h a p p e n s i f t e a c h e r s u s e t h e s e o l d t a s k s?The inclusion of these old tasks in the portfolio will make the portfolio non -compliant, and such portfolios will therefore attract a 10-mark penalty. Teachers may continue to use the old tasks as practice tasks, but they should not be included in the portfolio for final assessment. W h a t o t h e r d oc u m e n t s s h o u l d I u se? All teachers should have copies of the mathematics SL subject guide (second edition, September 2006), including the teaching notes appendix, and the TSM (September 2005). Further information, ncluding additional notes on applying the criteria, is available on the Online Curriculum Centre (OCC). Important news items are also available on the OCC, as are the diploma programme coordinator notes, which contain updated information on a variety of issues. W h i c h t as k s c a n I u se i n 2012? The only tasks produced by the IB that may be submitted for assessment in 2012 are the ones contained in this document, and those in the document Portfolio tasks 2011 2012 . There is no requirement to use tasks produced by the IB, and there is no date restriction on tasks written by teachers.For final assessment in 2012 and 2013 3 MATME/PF/M12/N12/M13/N13 C a n I u se t h ese t as k s b e f o r e M a y 2012? These tasks should only be submitted for final assessment from May 2012 to November 2013. Students should not include them in portfolios before May 2012. If they are included, they will be subject to a 10-mark penalty. Please note that these dates refer to examination sessions, not when the work is completed. W h i c h t as k s c a n I u se i n 2013? The only tasks produced by the IB that may be submitted for assessment in 2013 are the ones contained in this document. T e c h n ologyThere is a wide range of technological tools available to support mathematical work. These include gr aphic display calculators, Excel spreadsheets, Geogebra, Autograph, Geometer sketch pad and Wolframalpha. Many are free downloads from the Internet. Students (and teachers) should be encouraged to explore which ones best support the tasks that are assigned. Teachers are reminded that good technology use should enhance the development of the task. E x t r a c ts f r o m d i p lom a p r og r a m coo r d i n a to r n ot es Important information is included in the DPCN, available on the OCC.Teachers should ensure they are familiar with these, and in particular with the ones noted below. Please note that the reference to the 2009/2010 document is outdated. C op i es of t as k s a n d m a r k i n g/sol u t ion k e ys Teachers are advised to write their own tasks to fit in with their own teaching plans, to select from the 2009/2010 document, or to use tasks written by other teachers. In each case, teachers should work the task themselves to make sure it is suitable, and provide a copy of t he task, and an answer, solution or marking key for any task submitted.This will help the moderators confirm the levels awarded by the teacher. It is particularly important if teachers modify an IB published task to include a copy of the modified task. While this is permitted, teachers should think carefully about making any changes, as the tasks have been written with all the criteria in mind, to allow students to achieve the higher levels. N on -co m p l i a n t po r t f ol ios f r om M a y 2012 Please note the following information on how to deal with portfolios that do not contain one task of each type. This will be applied in the May 2012 and subsequent examination sessions.If two pieces of work are submitted, but they do not represent a Type I and a Type II task (for example, they are both Type I or both Type II tasks), mark both tasks, one against each Type. For example, if a candidate has submitted two Type I tasks, mark one using the Type I c riteria, and the other using th e Type II Criteria. Do not apply any further penalty This means that the current system of marking both tasks against the same criteria and then applying a penalty of 10 marks will no longer be used. For final assessment in 2012 and 2013 4 MATME/PF/M12/N12/M13/N13 SL T YPE IA im : In this t ask you wi l l conside r a se t of numbe rs tha t a r e pr esent ed in a symme t r i c a l pa t t e rn. Consider the five rows of numbers shown below. Describe how to find the numerator of the sixth row. Using technology, plot the relation between the row number, n, and the numerator in each row. Describe what you notice from your plot and write a general statement to represent this. Find the sixth and seventh rows. Describe any patterns you used. Let E n ( r ) be the ( r 1) th element in the nth row, starting with r 15 Example: E5 (2) . 9 0. Find the general statement for E n ( r ) .Test the validity of the general statement by finding additional rows. Discuss the scope and/or limitations of the general statement. Explain how you arrived at your general statement. For final assessment in 2012 and 2013 5 MATME/PF/M12/N12/M13/N13 C IR C L ES SL T YPE I A im : The a im of this t ask is to invest i ga t e posi t ions of points in i nt e rse c t ing c i r c l es. The following diagram shows a circle C 1 with centre O and radius r, and any point P. r P O C1 The circle C 2 has centre P and radius OP. Let A be one of the points of intersection of C 1 and C 2 . Circle C 3 has centre A, and radius r.The point P is the intersection of C 3 with (OP). This is shown in the diagram below. C3 A O P' P C2 C1 Let r 1 . Use an analytic approach to find OP , when OP 2 , OP 3 and OP 4 . Describe what you notice and write a general statement to represent this. Let OP 2 . Find OP , when r 2 , r 3 and r 4 . Describe what you notice and write a general statement to represent this. Comment whether or not this statement is consistent with your earlier statement. Use technology to investigate other v alues of r and OP. Find the general statement for OP . Test the validity of your general statement by using different values of OP and r.Discuss the scope and/or limitations of the general statement. Explain how you arrived at the general statement. For final assessment in 2012 and 2013 6 MATME/PF/M12/N12/M13/N13 F IS H PR O D U C T I O N SL T YPE II A im: This t ask conside rs comme r c i a l f ishing in a pa r t i cul a r count ry in two di ff e r ent envi ronments the se a and f ish f a rms (aqua cul tur e). The da t a is t a k en f rom the U N St a t ist i cs D ivisi on C ommon D a t a b a se . The following table gives the total mass of fish caught in the sea, in thousands of tonnes (1 tonne = 1000 kilograms). Y ea rT ot a l M ass 1980 426. 8 1981 470. 2 1982 503. 4 1983 557. 3 1984 564. 7 1985 575. 4 1986 579. 8 1987 624. 7 1988 669. 9 Y ea r T ot a l M ass 1989 450. 5 1990 379. 0 1991 356. 9 1992 447. 5 1993 548. 8 1994 589. 8 1995 634. 0 1996 527. 8 1997 459. 1 Y ea r T ot a l M ass 1998 487. 2 1999 573. 8 2000 503. 3 2001 527. 7 2002 566. 7 2003 507. 8 2004 550. 5 2005 426. 5 2006 533. 0 Define suitable variables and discuss any parameters/constraints. Using technology, plot the data points from the table on a graph. Comment on any apparent trends in your graph and suggest suitable models.Analytically develop a model that fits the data points. (You may find it useful to consider a combination of functions. ) On a new set of axes, draw your model function and the original data points. Comment on any differences. Revise your model if necessary. The table below gives the total mass of fish, in thousands of tonnes, from fish farms. Y ea r T ot a l M ass 1980 1. 4 1981 1. 5 1982 1. 7 1983 2. 0 1984 2. 2 1985 2. 7 1986 3. 1 1987 3. 3 1988 4. 1 Y ea r T ot a l M ass 1989 4. 4 1990 5. 8 1991 7. 8 1992 9. 1 1993 12. 4 1994 16. 0 1995 21. 6 1996 33. 2 1997 5. 5 Y ea r T ot a l M ass 1998 56. 7 1999 63. 0 2000 79. 0 2001 67. 2 2002 61. 2 2003 79. 9 2004 94. 7 20 05 119. 8 2006 129. 0 Plot the data points from this table on a graph, and discuss whether your analytical model for the original data fits the new data. Use technology to find a suitable model for the new data. On a new set of axes, draw both models. Discuss how trends in the first model could be explained by trends in the second model. By considering both models, discuss possible future trends in both types of fishing. For final assessment in 2012 and 2013 7MATME/PF/M12/N12/M13/N13 G O L D M E D A L H E I G H TS SL T YPE II A i m : T he a i m of th i s t a sk i s to O lympi c G ames. high jump in the The table below gives the height (in centimeters) achieved by the gold medalists at various Olympic Games. 1932 Y ea r H e igh t (c m) 197 1936 203 1948 198 1952 204 1956 212 1960 216 1964 218 1968 224 1972 223 1976 225 1980 236 Note: The Olympic Games were not held in 1940 and 1944. Using technology, plot the data points on a graph. Define all variables used and state any parameters clearly. Discuss any possible constraints of the task.What type of function models the behaviour of the graph? Explain why you chose this function. Analytically create an equation to model the data in the above table. On a new set of axes, draw your model function and the original graph. Comment on any differences. Discuss the limitations of your model. Refine your model if necessary. Use technology to find another function that models the data. On a new set of axes, draw both your model functions. Comment on any differences. Had the Games been held in 1940 and 1944, estimate what the winning heights would have been and justify your answers.Use your model to predict the winning height in 1984 and in 2016. Comment on your answers. The following table gives the winning heights for all the other Olympic Games since 1896. 1896 1904 1908 1912 1920 1928 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 Y ea r H eigh t (c m) 190 180 191 193 193 194 235 238 234 239 235 236 236 How well does your model fit the additional data? Discuss the overall trend from 1896 to 2008, with specific references to significant fluctuations. What modifications, if any, need to be made to your model to fit the new data? For final assessment in 2012 and 2013

How do generic conventions inform your understanding of Macbeth? Essay

The tragedy of Macbeth is his â€Å"Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and fallson th’other.† In this famous play, William Shakespeare positions the audience to feel pity towards the protagonist involved, and potentially the protagonist is the tragic hero. But in the play, Macbeth, how does he do this? Shakespeare positions us to feel pity for Macbeth, the protagonist, by using generic, dramatic and theatrical conventions such as soliloquies, hamartia and symbolism. My understanding of the play Macbeth, is shaped by Shakespeare’s use of generic conventions to represent the characters inner turmoil and through this, their tragic flaws. Specifically, soliloquies are used to reveal Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s inner turmoil as they lose their sanity for power. The first soliloquy in Macbeth is said by Lady Macbeth which reveals her inner turmoil about the letter she receives from Macbeth, as she worries that he may not be strong enough to kill Duncan, and through this her tragic flaw is revealed . As the witches prediction about Macbeth to become â€Å"Thane of Glamis and Cawdor† comes true, she is lured into the trap of believing that he will become king however worries that he is too much of a coward to make it happen. Act 1 Scene 5, line 6, â€Å"Yet do thy nature; It is too full o’ milk of human nature†. It’s evident that through the term â€Å"o’milk of human nature† symbolises the milk of a human and the only kind of human that produces milk is a female. Milk only comes from the female when she is a mother and mothers are traditionally nurturing and kind. So Lady Macbeth is saying that Macbeth is quite feminine in the way of his kindness. Furthermore, Lady Macbeth thinks Macbeth doesn’t have the ruthless nature like she does to strike aggressively at a first opportunity to have power and even though he wants power, his â€Å"nature† is too kind to be king in the evil way that she plans to do it. When receiving news that the king is going to stay at the Macbeth castle, she feels she must be the one to kill Duncan in order for Macbeth to become king and her to be queen, however in the soliloquy after she received the news, she talks to the â€Å"spirits† about how willing she is to do the deed to get the power and seize the throne. Although at the same time, it touches on the theme of masculinity, â€Å"tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,† Act 1 Scene 5, line 31. â€Å"Come to my woman’s breasts, And take my milk for gall,† Act 1 Scene 5, line 38. Both quotes suggest the different sex, â€Å"unsex me here†, by changing sex Lady Macbeth feels she would be more masculine, than she is now, as a man. With the second quote mentioning â€Å"milk†, this suggests womanhood, represented by milk and breasts, symbolising nurture and compassion and she says she has this as well as her ruthlessness but wants to be more cruel, â€Å"of direct cruelty! Make thick my blood† Act 1 Scene 5, line 33. When all of her plans and inner turmoil is revealed to us, her hamartia suddenly becomes clearer – her flaw is that she is extremely power hungry and will do anything to feed it, however this results in her downfall as she turns insane from her guilty conscience of manipulating Macbeth, simply because she is too cowardice to do her own business. Macbeth’s first soliloquy in the play portrays him to be his sane self, making the agonizing decision of whether he should go through with the evil deed of assassinating King Duncan. In his decision he puts into account King Duncan’s qualities, â€Å"this Duncan, hath borne his faculties so meek,† Act 1 Scene 7, line 16, and his loyalty and faith towards the king, â€Å"He is here in bought trust†¦as I am his kinsman†¦then as his host, who should against his murderer shut the door, not bear the knife himself† Act 1 Scene 7, line 12, which represents the kind nature of Macbeth, not wanting to go through with seizing the throne by murdering Duncan because he likes Duncan as he is a strong and humble leader. He also describes that his death would be showered with, â€Å"angels, trumpet-tongued,† Act 1 Scene 7. Angels are a representation of heaven and heaven is symbolised as good which means Duncan will go to heaven if he dies because of his goodness. This reminds us how severe and alarming it is to kill a human being just for power and Macbeth realises this also, this is seen through the use of language, â€Å"Bloody instructions† and â€Å"our poisoned chalice† and â€Å"deep damnation† and through this, an image of darkness is made which makes it clear to us that Macbeth knows what he could do is wrong and if he does it he will be forever in a world of sin. At the same time, the one only reason Macbeth wants to proceed in the deed is his ambition to become powerful, â€Å"but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and fallson th’other.† Act 1 Scene 7, line 27. The only thing motivating him is his ambition, however Macbeth knows ambition could lead him on towards disaster, (coincidentally it did) therefore decides not to go along with his wife’s plans. Although after his soliloquy when he admits to Lady Macbeth he doesn’t want to carry on with the plan, Lady Macbeth threatens Macbeth that he will no longer be a man in her eyes but a coward and that she might never love him again if he doesn’t kill Duncan. This affects Macbeth’s inner turmoil because as a man, he like to show his bravery and have courage and by going against his wife could damage his masculinity and so carries on with the play. My understanding of Macbeth’s tragic flaw, as evidenced in this soliloquy, is that he doesn’t want to damage his pride, his masculinity or his ambition and this, then, leads to his downfall. The next soliloquy used by Macbeth reveals to the audience that the pressure of killing the king is finally taking a turn on his mind. In his speech, Macbeth makes accusations of seeing a dagger, identical to his, in front of him however he becomes confused when he can’t decide what is happening. At first, when the dagger appears he believes it to be a â€Å"false creation† which is a hallucination, as he has already tried to grab it but failed, caused by a â€Å"Heat- oppressà ¨d brain†, in other words, he’s ill. Then just after saying this, he believes that it’s something different, â€Å"Thou marshall’st me the way that I was going,† Act 2 Scene 1. The meaning for this quote is that the dagger is pointing him in the direction that he is going and this symbolises and proves that his decision to kill the king is already set in motion. The direction of the dagger may have been just his mind but could have been witchcraft also†¦ 3â€Å"Witchcraft celebrates, Pale Hecate’s offerings,† Since Macbeth already believes the witches, there is no other reasons not to disagree with them. Macbeth’s tragic flaw of his self-pride of masculinity, ambition and lust for power ends up in his downfall of insanity from confusion and stress and later on in the play he metaphorically â€Å"plummets to his death† as he loses control of his paranoia. Shakespeare positions the audience, with monologues like this, to see that Macbeth is stressed, scared and confused about the act he is about to commit, this slowly leads him to lose his sanity just so he can please his wife, achieve his goal of ambition and protect his pride and masculinity. My understanding of Macbeth is greatly shaped by generic conventions such a soliloquies. Throughout the play soliloquies were used to explain the main character’s inner turmoil. Macbeth appeared to be a power greed murder that stopped at nothing to be the king of Scotland. However through soliloquies, it was clear to me that this was his hamartia and his tragic flaw, which made him this way, was that he was ambitious, proud of his masculinity and courage. So when Lady Macbeth threatens him and names him a coward for not killing Duncan, he want does it to protect his pride. This makes us pity him as he had no choice and becomes insane from the paranoia and guilty conscience. In my opinion, I think Shakespeare had a message of purpose of Macbeth and that was to show the audience that ambition and desire is destructive and no matter how much a person wants power, they should never let it overcome them.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Content Comprehension and Analysis Task Assignment - 3

Content Comprehension and Analysis Task - Assignment Example To correct the problem, the manager ordered for modern production equipment to boost the quality of output. After one month of introducing the new production equipment, an upsurge in the quality of output was noticed. Charismatic leadership can be termed as the assumption of power by an individual through an impression of personality other than the external authority. The followers of a charismatic leader respect the leaders instructions based on character or appeal of the leader. In essence, it is difficult to give an exhaustive meaning of charisma. In simple terms charisma can be described as charm. The major influence of a charismatic leadership is the personality of the leader. Examples of charismatic leaders include politicians and religious leaders. Transformational leadership  may  be termed  as a leadership style where the leader impacts change in an organization through inspiration and working closely with the committed group of people in the organization. Unlike charismatic leadership, transformational leadership  is  based on the ability to deliver and not the leader’s personality. In a transformational leadership style, the employees will not follow the instructions of the leader because of personal attributes or charm. Instead, the employees will follow the leader’s instructions based on projected results. Transformational leadership inspires employees to be responsible for their daily tasks. Basically, transformational leadership is based on intellectual stimulation, idealized stimulus, and individual motivation and inspiration of employees. Introducing change in an organization is sometimes very challenging. It is usually difficult to bring change in leadership and among the employees. Some of the difficulties experienced when introducing change in employees and leadership include; personality differences, organizational structure, political pressure, seasonal

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Final report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Final report - Essay Example In 1987, a new Commercial Bank head office opens on Grand Hamad Street. In 1990, ATMs are introduced in Qatar by Commercial Bank. In 1992, Point-of-sale machines are introduced in Qatar by Commercial Bank. In 1997, Dedicated Customer Call Centre is established. In 2006, Commercial Bank signs an agreement to become the title sponsor for the Qatar Masters golf tournament. In 2008, First Qatari bank to list GDRs on the London Stock Exchange. Also, it is the first Qatari bank to list bond issue on the SIX Swiss Exchange in 2010. In 2011, incorporates Commercial Bank Investment Services. In 2012, A strategic partnership with Katara Cultural Village Foundation is announced. Commercial Bank won several internationally recognized awards, including  the Citi Performance Excellence Award and  the JP Morgan Quality Recognition Award. In 2013, Commercial Bank acquires 74.24% shareholding in Alternatifbank in Turkey. The Commercial bank mission statement is "everything is possible". Qatar’s National Vision rests on four pillars – Human Development, Social Development, Economic Development and Environmental Development. The Commercial bank goal is to support this National Vision and help provide a high standard of living for all Qatar’s people. Commercial bank has divided into two segments which are the retail banking segment and the wholesale banking segment. Each of them provides different services. The retail banking segment consisting of current consumer and vehicle loans; The position I was entitled during my internship is a relationship officer. This job title involves learning and gaining brief understanding about general transactions and other related process of Commercial Bank Qatar. Also it requires filling and accomplishing some applications for clients during a specific period of time such as opening new account, depositing cash and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pregnancy before Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pregnancy before Marriage - Essay Example It is arguably true that sex is a basic human need that all desire to enjoy with someone they care whether married or not. From a spiritual point of view, Christianity teaches that sex is actually good. In fact, God recommends it (Got questions Web). There are teenagers who seek comfort in sexual relations when they feel incomplete and unappreciated. They engage in sexual relationships that in most cases lead to pregnancies long before they get married. Teens will like to control their lifestyles even when they are under parental care. Hence, when they feel that their parents are exerting too much control in their lives, they seek freedom, support, and affection outside the family. Indeed, they feel emotional security when they engage in sexual relationships with their partners. However, little parental monitoring also promotes premarital sex. Additionally, a parental belief that adolescent sex is appropriate and inevitable fosters premarital relations among the teens. Single parenth ood may also contribute to premarital sex (Focus on the family Web). The aftermath of this may lead to pregnancies and diseases. Additionally, some think it is fashionable to engage in sex before marriage because that is the general trend among the teens. Christians and other religions have done little in talking about sex with some avoiding the topic completely. Our cultures assume that there is no control over sex and thus sex has become common before marriage. Actually many Christians are not considering it as a sin. The present lifestyle promotes sexual relationships and pregnancies before marriage. Teens that are in alcohol and drug use are susceptible to premarital sex because they lose control... This essay stresses that sex is a basic human need that all desire to enjoy with someone they care whether married or not. From a spiritual point of view, Christianity teaches that sex is actually good. In fact, God recommends it. There are teenagers who seek comfort in sexual relations when they feel incomplete and unappreciated. They engage in sexual relationships that in most cases lead to pregnancies long before they get married. Teens will like to control their lifestyles even when they are under parental care. Hence, when they feel that their parents are exerting too much control in their lives, they seek freedom, support, and affection outside the family. Indeed, they feel emotional security when they engage in sexual relationships with their partners. This paper declares that christians and other religions have done little in talking about sex with some avoiding the topic completely. Our cultures assume that there is no control over sex and thus sex has become common before marriage. Actually many Christians are not considering it as a sin. The present lifestyle promotes sexual relationships and pregnancies before marriage. Teens that are in alcohol and drug use are susceptible to premarital sex because they lose control of their conscience and importance in life. The movies, the porn magazines, and the secular songs all predispose young people to premarital sex. Thus, teens who are their customers, are likely to buy their idea and start practicing sex before marriage.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Project of Maple Leaf Shoes Ltd-Job Case Study - 14

The Project of Maple Leaf Shoes Ltd-Job - Case Study Example Additionally, his approach to the project also appears focused and effective since he appears to be operating on the assumption that a human resource department must be able to satisfy the needs of its clients, including employees and managers. Â  Although Lance approach had quite a number of strengths, his approach to the project appears to have had more methodological and theoretical flaws than strengths. The first major weakness in his approach is evident in the question checklist, which was very short. Accordingly, the question checklist could not give a comprehensive insight into the functions of the human resource. The second major weakness in his approach was that he failed to follow all the job analysis procedures. The third weakness was that the response was received from only three out of the five managers, which was a fundamental flaw. In fact, the interview that Lance conducted with Clark was of no use taking into consideration the fact that it was marred by interruptions. Another weakness in the Lance approach to the project was that Lance failed to meet with the unions, subordinates, and other employees who work at other locations far from the head office. Conventionally, it would have been appropriate that L ance meet all the stakeholders who play a critical part in ensuring the effectiveness of the human resource management. Â  Another major weakness in Lance’s approach also became clear after conducting the three interviews. According to the case, it is clear that Lance had no idea of job roles, the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of HR department functions, as well as a performance standard, after conducting three interviews. Certainly, this was a major weakness as conventionally people would expect him to be highly knowledgeable about these issues at the end of the third interview.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Basal ganglia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Basal ganglia - Research Paper Example Parkinsons’s disorder is treated with dopamine replacement therapy. In the study of Diaz and Walters (2009), they explained that Parkinson is treated with levodopa, carbidopa, dopamine agonists, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and amantadine. All drugs are known to relive motor symptoms. L-Dopa increases the level of dopamine in the brain thereby relieves muscle tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Dopamine depletion results in the degeneration of the basal ganglia which may lead to excessive excitatory signals that affects the voluntary muscles in the different part of the body. Carbidopa prevents the breakdown of dopamine in the periphery thus causes fewer side effects. Amantadine has the same effect with L-Dopa. The study further provided an overview of other medications believe to treat non motor features of Parkinson disease like mood disorder, gastrointestinal, cognitive impairment, and autonomic dysfunction. Hilker and company (2010) in their similar study suggested that t he use of continuous dopaminergic drug delivery (CDD) may also provide a reduction in dopaminergic dyskinesias. CDD is based on the idea of continuous stimulation of striate dopamine receptors by infusing L-Dopa through a portable mini pump. While there are many researches and studies on the positive effects of these drugs on the signs and symptoms of Parkinson, medication is not the only treatment addressing this basal ganglia disorder. Understanding the underlying mechanism of the disorder had played a role in the interest of experts in expanding their search for other treatments to include surgical intervention in the form of pallidotomy and thalamotomy. These surgical procedures involve making lesions in the damaged tissues of the brain. In fact, the study of Krauss and Jankovic (1996) revealed that small lesion may disrupt the abnormal activity in the circuitry of basal ganglia. The operation involves treating the overly active brain cells thus signs and symptoms of the disease like dyskinesias, freezing movement, and stiffness are improved. In 1992, dramatic results among patients who had undergone pallidotomy were revealed ( Treatment of basal ganglia disorder has been complicated. Treatment with drugs could cause another major symptom which is slowness in movement. Patient may still manifest the same major symptoms of the disorder despite undergoing surgery. This prompted experts to consider another option such as transplantation of fetal mesencephalic tissue. However, this treatment is still in its experimental stage. In the same study of Krauss and Jankovic, they noted that fetal stem transplantation has the potential to restore the lost nigrostriatal pathway. The stems when introduced into the substantia nigra would act as dopamine producing cells. This treatment is supported with the findings of Tran,Ho and Jandial ( 2010) where they explained that stem cells are the choice because of their ability to maintain a nd differentiate themselves and could develop into different new cells throughout the life of mammals. Furthermore, they reiterated that the preliminary use of stem cells has a therapeutic promise in treating neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by neuronal and glialloss. Other studies found out that implanted stem cells migrate to lesion site and restore deficits in brain function. The data provided in the treatment of basal

Analysis of treatment - Diabetic Leg Ulcers Essay

Analysis of treatment - Diabetic Leg Ulcers - Essay Example The literature review has provided information to be used in changing the present tools One of the more novel approaches to advanced treatment of the diabetic ulcer today is light therapy. In this therapy, there is a light emitting diode used (LED) and a super luminous diode (SLD) that will deliver low intensity laser light. This treatment is used in synchrony with conservative sharp debridement, offloading, bioburden management, and advanced dressings. According to Sutterfield (2008), the patients tested resulted in a healed wound in 8 weeks of treatment. During this same time period Blume, Walters, & Payne (2008) compared negative pressure wound therapy using vacuum-assisted closure with advanced moist wound therapy. This was a randomized multicenter controlled trial. There were 342 patients enrolled in this study and the mean age was 58. . Patients were randomly assigned to either the advanced moisture wound therapy or the negative pressure therapy. Evaluation of the ulcers occurred for 112 days and then they were followed for 3 to 9 months. The results showed that complete ulcer closure occurred with vacuum assisted closure 43.2% of the time and 28.9% of the time with dressing and topical. Lavery, Boulton, and Niezgoda (2007), also completed a study comparing diabetic foot ulcer outcomes from negative pressure wound therapy with historical standard ulcer care. They did this by analyzing Medicare claims data of 1,135 patients with diabetic foot ulcers that were treated with negative pressure and reviewed the results of a controlled wet to moist therapy meta-analysis that was a randomized study. Within 12 weeks, the negative pressure treatment showed significantly better results than the wet to moist dressings Further, Fernandez-Montequin, Betancourt, Leyva-Gonzalez (2009) studied the use of intralesional administration of epidermal growth factor-based formulation (Heberprot-P) in treatment of ulcers. They found that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Book Review of In Labor's Cause Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Book Review of In Labor's Cause - Essay Example In his book "In Labor's Law "Brody's use of comparative analysis and his careful delineation of the unenviable choices facing workers are an important contribution to the rekindled debate over American exceptionalism. The opening two essays (Time and Work during American Industrialism and The Course of American Politics) demonstrate the strengths of the collection well. From the demands of Philadelphia carpenters in 1791 for the ten hour day "They will work from six to six-how absurd!", so remarked the Federal Gazette, for the workers' first collective demand for the ten hour day, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. with two hours off for breakfast and dinner for which there is a record in American history, to the precipitous decline of the UMWA in the 1970s, Brody applies his wit and intelligence to the peculiarities of American labor developments. These extended essays discuss central questions in the field of labor rights from the colonial period to the present. A pioneer in the evolution of the new labor history David Brody has remained loyal to the traditional consents of labor scholarship-the trade union as an institution, the worker-employer relationship, the role of the state- while displaying a keen sensitivity to the broad historical and cultural context in which these developments occurred. In the third and forth essay Brody discusses about shaping the labor movement and the market unionism in America. Brody writes about the U.S. Communist party and their vital role played in organizing workers at a variety of such large firms as General Electric, Allis-Chalmers, and Ford and in the subways of New York City and on the docks of the Pacific Coast. Most Reds stuck to the hard business of building unions for representing workers' rights, and in this process, distinguished themselves as advocates of racial and gender equa lity in a movement that had historically known neither. The influence of Communists in unions became a flagrant liability only with the onset of the Cold War, and it bred mistrust among rank-and-filers during World War II when Communist party labor officials became the most stalwart enforcers of the no-strike pledge. That certainly did not mean that labor leaders ought to have endorsed and abetted nearly every pillar of U.S. policy during the Cold War. Workers were far better off in the capitalist welfare states of Western Europe than in the Socialist beggar regimes of the Soviet block, and U.S. labor officials played a small but useful part in ensuring that the former did not succumb to the latter. But the labor hierarchy under George Meany and his disciples spent far too much time and prestige on even the more defensible aspects of their foreign policy while labors strength at home slowly eroded. And their covert actions in the Third World all but destroyed the idealistic, democra tic reputation American unionism had build up both abroad and at home during its glory days of the 1930s and 1940s. One result was that few liberal or radical activists in the swelling movements of the 1960s took seriously organized labor's claims that it was an agent of social change. For the first time in history

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rootkits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Rootkits - Research Paper Example ghted. General Overview of Rootkits and How They Work In definition, rootkits refer to programs that are intentionally made to hinder with system functionality and documentation hence doing away with the information or data which is stored in the computer for different uses. At most of times they are a collection of programs that facilitate spying on people computers (Rimon 1). The major difference existing between rootkits and the worm and virus is that a worm, the likes of the Stuxnet remains or continues attacking the computer system. This means that the worm does not necessary require to attach itself to an obtainable program in the system for its multiplication to occur accordingly (Rimon 1). Viruses, Trojans and worms have since been infecting computers of many user and even different servers that are essential in running electronic businesses. In that sense, fighting viruses and worms has become an issues which needs to be solved through the adoption of the appropriate measure if at all the running, operation of computer system and networking management has to be continued been enjoyed globally. On the other hand discovering/detecting of rootkits is even harder. According to Bidgoli Rootkits can therefore act in some instance as computer viruses or worms (21). Computer viruses and worms affect systems through deleting major documents or files or even putting a stop to website right of entry. The manner in which computer virus and worms attack the system clearly defines how they work (Rimon 1). The current state of computer virus basically is concerned with the Stuxnet worm. This is because the worm appears much different from other worms and virus following the manner in which it works and spreads in the computer system. In definition, the Stuxnet refers to a worm or malware that breaks into the categories of system that manages equipment (Douglas & Sturken 9). This results to permitting an attacker to take for granted control of critical equipments thus interfering with them the way in which it should not be. Generally, the worm originally distributes arbitrarily in the computer system although it involves extremely dedicated malware which multiplies while at the same time interfering with the functionality and performance of the system. The worm spreads into computer systems through various ways, although the most common means of spreading is through e-mail services. Virus and worms work in almost similar ways when it comes to interfering with the computer system (Rimon 1). Viruses characteristically need unsuspecting system users to unintentionally split them. Rimon believes that a number of viruses that are complicated like the Stuxnet worms duplicate and transform themselves mechanically to different computers by calculating different programs like e-mail sharing application (1). This clearly explains the idea that, networking technology is the reason behind major development of threats like worms and viruses which completely interfere with performance and functionality of systems. Other viruses like the Trojans

Monday, July 22, 2019

No Pain No Gain Essay Example for Free

No Pain No Gain Essay How much of you have had to sacrifice your time or change your plans to go and do something else like go practice or work on something? What is pain?  What is gain?  In my family my mom, dad, and sister had to constantly had to sacrifice their time to get to their goal. It took them a lot of time, blood, and sweat to reach where they are right now. I am the only one in my family that hasn’t worked hard at something and continuously to get somewhere. I don’t have the best grades, I don’t have the best skills at sports, I’m not the nicest person, and I’m not the most popular guy. I haven’t been working very hard to accomplish anything! I haven’t put in a lot of time, blood, and sweat into anything! I haven’t had any pain so I haven’t really gained anything! Wrong! I am always gaining something, I might not know it but every second I gain something! My dad has gone through a lot of trouble in his life he was born in the village of Taputimu in Samoa and then when he was five his mom and dad (my grandma and grandpa) moved to Hawaii. When they got here they were very poor they had to live in the housing. Read more: No Pain No Gain Story My dad sometimes wouldn’t eat because they were so poor, and sometimes he would have to make bad choices and go steal from the store to go get food for his mom and dad. My dad was raised in the bad parts of Hawaii; he went to school at McKinley high school. For him to stay out of trouble he started boxing he trained and worked hard, put time, blood, and sweat into boxing. He had pain and he surely gained from it. He learned from all his life lessons and now pushes my sister and I to something that we like and he helps us until we have gained something he we usually gain disciple and more respect. My sister (Masha) she’s a freshman at UCLA my dad has pushed her so much she went through a lot of pain mentally and physically and she physically gained a lot. My dad would take her to practice seven days a week for more than 3 hours. My dad put my sister through so much pain he started to feel less like a dad and more like a coach but my sister wanted to go through this  pain she said her dream was to become a pro athlete and she didn’t want my parents to pay money for her to go to school. With her hard work and motivation she’s a remodel to me and she went through a lot. Her hard work and pain paid off she got a scholarship to play softball at UCLA. This quote/saying is in my life so much. This quote/saying is in everyone’s life, everyone has pain and everyone has a gain sometimes you are not able to tell what the gain is. In my life there is always pain emotional or physical I need to push through everything that is bringing me down. Although I have a god to help me and great teachers, a great family that pushes me to meet expectations, and super great friends that are always by my side even though I may be a jerk, irritating or annoying. Without pain life would be different, life wouldn’t be life, it would be a utopia. What do you think life would be without pain? Think about it!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business and market analysis of Tea company

Business and market analysis of Tea company Tapal Tea (Pvt) Limited is one of the leading manufacturer of brand tea in Pakistan and south Asia. This product is introduced by Adam Ali Tapal in 1947. Its business is growing from day by day through its inception. There is no business in the world that cannot face the competition in the market. Tapal also faces tough competition from different brands of the company like Lipton, Brook bond and supreme which are also giving tough completion to Tapal. It is one of the largest Pakistani company who has started in Judie Bazaar one of the busiest business area in Karachi, Pakistan. Tapal is one of the largest local companies who do not have any investment from abroad. This business started as sole proprietorship and becomes Private Limited Company now. It means to say that the company now has legal status than before. In 1997, Tapal tea is one of the first company who got the ISO-9001 quality standard, a symbol of high quality. Tapal company main focus is quality. They never compromise on quality. A customer can pay more price but they are not ready to compromise on quality. It includes who are the customers of the product. Tea is one of the hot beverages which are commonly used by different peoples of different ages from rural to urban areas. The market of tea is very strong in the Pakistan. Learning Outcome 1 Vision statement Linda Jackson Burrs states that vision statement is where you see you future state. Creating a vision statement takes some thought as to what is really doable and believable The vision of company to expand the business, consistency in price and further improve quality of the product Mission statement Jeffrey Abrahams states that every company, n matter how big or small, needs a mission statement as a source of direction, a kind of compass, that lets its employees, its customer and even its stockholders know what is stand for and where its headed. Our mission of the company is to provide world class product in minimum price, not ready to compromise on quality, to have good relations in the market and makes perfect market for the competition. There are so many organizations that are only writing mission and vision of the company and not following on them but Tapal Company Limited is one of those companies that is clearly doing what is their promise to do like not compromising on quality of the tea, producing new brands of the tea and expanding their business to the wider extent. Marketing strategy Marketing is one of the key elements in addition to other functions without which the company cannot get success. Marketing of the product is not easy task by any means, so proper care should be taken very carefully otherwise the project can be failed. It based on a process in which organization to focus on the availability of its resources to increase its profit by increasing the sale. Marketing planning Marketing Planning is a set of document in which details of action is given to achieve the objects set by the management for a period of one or up to five year. It could be based on selling of any kind of product. Marketing plan is usually based on the whole business plan. Strong planning can play major role in the success of product sale in the market. Its very important to have a very aggressive plan if you are not an introducer of new product and still you want to grab the market. Link between Marketing Plan and Marketing Strategy Whenever you want to launch a product you must plan it. If you plan well it gives you a good picture how much you can achieve but if you didnt then it might cause an organization very heavily so marketing plan which is a business plan for a company is very important for the launch of a product and even if you want to do some extension in your product and at the launching time you need a marketing strategy to increase the sale up to the maximum level. Marketing strategy is the foundation of marketing plan. And marketing strategy can make marketing plan more effective so we can say they both are very important for the success of the product. Impact of Strategy over Planning Strategy always plays a big impact over planning because even if the planning is excellent but they are unable to create a good strategy then everything will be good but on papers only. The external requirement which need to be taken from the customer can only be achieved by the good business strategy. So we can say for the success of planning you must have good strategy as well. Marketing planning problems There could be so many problems when you make marketing planning. There could be so change in the environment means you need to change the forecast. They are unable to give the required factual information and doest make good marketing decision. It could be possible that they spend too much for the advertisement and doest get the response they want. May be they lack experience for preparing a strong marketing plan. Component of Marketing Planning There are so many marketing components which are used in the business I am discussing in this assignment. In brief they are price, product, promotion, placement, people, environment and process. When Tapal make a marketing plan they always consider what price should they set for the product because they have so much competition in the market, they always make sure that when they introduce a product it has to be unique so they will grab the high share in the market. They always promote their new products so all will know something new and different is coming in the market. Every time when they plan they make sure what area they need to cover and where to launch the product. They always make sure in their planning that how people will obtain the product. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors This is an abbreviation of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. I will analyze this tool in my selected firm Strengths Continuous innovation for increased customer value, for example: First to introduce soft pack in the country, The pioneer of selling Jasmine Green Tea in Pakistan. The only company selling round-tea bags in Pakistan. Tapal is one company that is catering to the needs of all segments of the society. They are exporting their product in so many countries Qualified Research Development team Brand awareness targeting the local market. Weaknesses They are importing some products which increase their cost and decrease their profit. Sale on cash system gives chance distributor to switch to other any time. Tight quality control increase the cost and sometime relationship with distributor is also gets disturbed. Opportunities Tea begs market is increase day by day and they already have a big share in this so they can easily grab more percentage in the market. Customers are very much attracted and like strong taste and quality of tea offered by tea providers. There are so many areas in the country which are still not fully covered by any tea provider company. They are importing Duty free tea from different countries. Green tea requirement is continuously growing. Threats Strong position and big name of Unilever makes extremely difficult for Tapal to counter-attack because of low budgets and they are financially very strong. Unilever is a big name in the country more than Tapal worldwide. High import duties encourage smugglers of tea to grow. They should take immediate step to promote their products in the market because they are spending very less amount for the marketing of their products and all other competitor spending too much money to market the product and to grab more shares in the market. Learning Outcome 2 Producing marketing plan for Tapal Pvt Ltd Before thinking about any plan you have to be sure about the whole industry overview. So out plan is to introduce variety of tea products in Pakistan by Tapal pvt ltd. As we know that is one of the most popular drinks in the entire world and especially in ASIA region people are literally crazy about tea. The demand for tea is very high in Pakistan. With such a huge public who likes to drink tea, the competition is also there and very tuff as well. Brands such as Tapal, Lipton, Brooke Bond and Supreme, are the biggest tea brand in Pakistan. The target people are very common for the entire brand who love to drink the tea. And we know that the area which they need to cover is very Hugh. It consumed on daily basis with very high quantity. The current demand is very high and its demands are getting higher and higher. As competition is very tuff so market share is divided into many company and our plan is to grab the maximum share from the market. Our plan is to produce those kind of goods which are more consuming and more in demand so thats how we will be able to grab the more public and for that we need huge amount to invest in business because we need to spread all over the country and have to market our product at every corner so it will cost us very high. For that we need to see is the time is good to invest so much in the business. Are the political and social conditions of the country supporting our decision of investing such a big amount? If we are sure that the decision will favor the company it will maximize it profit by increasing the share and capturing the big market then it could be a plan which we will definitely follow. We know that if our customer is happy with our product than our competitor will have to face a strong fight through our product and we definitely win the maximum market share. Marketing Mix Element of marketing mix normally referred as 4 ps which are Product, price, place and promotion. A product is a service given by the company to its customers and price will be amount customer paid against the product of a company they have purchased. It all depend on company what price they need to fix for the company. The place could be from where it was purchased. E.g. tea can be purchased by big store and its a place or by any small shop as well and last thing is promotion which describe how the company helps to market its product. Marketing mix can affect the decision taken by the upper management like if management dont want to spend a lot on product marketing but marketing mix strategies forces them to spend more for it. If management plans to increase the price of the product but the time they might follow the marketing mix strategies which force them to retain with the same price. 7C By the help of different definition we will grab the meaning of 7c which are consists of Context, Commerce, Connection, Communication, Content, Community and customization. These entire customer based details available in marketing which help the company to interact with the customer. 7P The 7p in marketing are product, price, promotion, place, people, processes and physical evidence. They are effective for any kind of marketing process ensure that an appropriate value is assigned to each one of them. The 7p are as important in marketing as the success or failure might result due to them. The actions and budget so important when making a plan for the company because the action you do when you are implementing a plan is very vital because a wrong action can disturb the whole planning and proper budget setting is a key of success of planning because if you didnt budget out your plan you can be short of finance. Planning and action always controlled the organization because it makes you organized and the organization is always prepared for what their next step will be. Due to these reason the organizations are always prepared and taken all kind of action well before time and they are not worried about what they need to do. Learning Outcome 3 How your marketing plan support your organization strategy objective Marketing plan come through a long process it start from a single department and ends up to management decision, plan must be always like easy to understand for management to approved it and realize the facts of market strategies for what they want from customer, Tapal always make a attractive marketing plan which always looks different from others, for now this marketing plan which is very supportive for the organization is just because its meets the need of customer in a very smart way like they introduced a new tea flavor which is they want to be market the product by new style which a customer attract and also get some benefited for an organization. How your organization implement your plan Tapal is a big in industry so any body at any time can interested in the advertisement for its product, it is the best way to approved the marketing strategy by showing that there are 5 major advertisement companies are ready to launch and advertised our new product in the market, and if the plan is 100% correct then organization never refuse because they get more revenue and goodwill in the market. If the plan is according to organization and customer then it is easy to take decision for management. Plan should be compressed and productive for organization. Plan should be not very costly. Plan should be not so long time process Plan should be as per new techniques and 3D type as per new generation like Plan should be process after research Plan should be shows new market prices Plan should be long life and skill full. Discuss link between strategy and implementation and skills needed for implementation As we discussed above that is the plan is strong then management never refuse them because they also want to be leader in the market, before making a plan it need a strategic thinking on the plan to make it perfect and executive, after that this plan need some skills like added some technically and moderate touch to improve the product quality and price, so that the organization easily implement on the upcoming strategic plan with full of skills. It is very easy to make a plan but is not easy to do implement on it so if the plan is make with strategic and skilled so it could more productive to introduce in front of management and if the plan is in according to the new market requirement so it is likely to be more attractive if there is a less skills include in it. Outline your approach to gain your agreement for marketing plan If the plan is according to companies favor so there is no any chance that it could be rejected. Always approach will be positive to make the plan competitive and advance. Tapal is always look in those matter which are highly skilled, attractive and sincere with the organization, to gain the agreement for strategic plan for organization is a very important role for marketing department to extent their plans which are still are in favor of organization and as before management like the approach to get always new marketing style, the best approach for management is that to produced their best efforts to capture the market because know a days their so many competitors in the market if they lack in the advertisement or promotion or introducing in new products then it could be easy for other competitors to overcome. Describe your publicity and promotion strategy as part of your organization The first approach is that tapas needs to be improve their marketing style just because know a days people need electronic media advertisement and promotion on all the product to get all the products in a very cheap and reason able price this can increase in the number of customers but also increase in loyal customer. The best approach to get the agreement extent or more loyal tapal need to make advertisement in TV ads and make a ads with the celebrities to make people more attract. For tapal it is not a big deal to make ads with celebrities. They also need to do some sale promotion and prizes for kids to make them also a part of tapal, and take some social activities like arrange some games, concerts, charity and convocation and show sponsoring in these activities to make good image in the market. Identify and describe your evaluation review measure and trend for the effectiveness of your plan To maintain the level of the marketing in the fast running industry because there is not only one part or trend to evaluate and measure the causes of market its a long and lengthy process which each and every department of the organization is involved in it, according to new trend we can say that people need always new and productive so Tapal team is always try to first in the line and make sure that the plan for marketing is effective for organization and its growth, as review the trend is that people need always low product price rate but now a days they also want some prizes or promotion on the product to get more benefit from the product they buy. It is not easy to maintain both of these issues with each other, team is always tried to make their plan effectiveness and evaluate the main issue in front of management. Conclusion At the end of this course we can understand vision and mission statement of business and how we can make marketing plans keeping all risk factor in mind. How we can control planning and how we can support our organization object. How to publish and promote the strategy of our company and how our plan can be affective.

The Manhattan Transcripts by Bernard Tschumi

The Manhattan Transcripts by Bernard Tschumi The Manhattan Transcripts proposed to show an architectural understanding of reality. Each point Tschumi aims to get across, is made through a series of three square panels, where photographs direct the action, plans, sections, etc. reveal the architectural construct, and diagrams indicate the movements of the main characters. The Transcripts are first and foremost a device with their explicit purpose being to transcribe things normally removed from conventional architectural representation, namely the complex relationship between spaces and their use; between the set and the script; between type and program; between objects and events. Their implicit purpose has to do with the twentieth-century city. The Transcripts try to offer a different reading of architecture in which space, movement, and events are separate, but standing in a new relationship with one another. This is meant to break down and rebuild the standard components of architecture along different axes. Tschumi takes th e Manhattan Transcripts program to formulate a plot based around a murder. MT 1 (Manhattan Transcripts 1) The Park is the first episode composed of twenty four sheets illustrating the drawn and photographed notation of a murder. The formula plot of the murder the lone figure stalking its victim, the murder, the hunt, the search for clues building up to the murderers capture. While the origin of MT 1 is in New Yorks Central Park, MT 2 The Street (Border Crossing) is based on 42nd street, from the Hudson to the East River. There are over a dozen different experiences along 42nd street by MT 2 does not represent these worlds, but the borders that describe them. Each border becomes a space with the events that it contains, with the movements that transgress it. In MT 3 The Tower (The Fall): This program proposes to highlight the fall of someone inside a common denominator like a home, office, prison, hotel or asylum. The set of drawings portrays someones flight and the preceding fall through the full height of a Manhattan tower block, its cells and its yards. The drastic change of perceptions caused by the fall is used to explore different spatial transformations and their typological distortions. In MT 4 The Block describes five inner courtyards of a simple city block witness contradictory events and programmatic impossibilities: acrobats, ice-skaters, dancers, soldiers, and football players all congregate and perform high-wire acts, games, or even the re-enactment of famous battles, in a context usually alien to their activity. Disjunctions between movements, programs, and spaces inevitably follow as each pursues a distinct logic, while their confrontations produce the most unlikely combinations. The Transcripts present three disjoined levels of reality at the same time: (i) The world of objects, composed of buildings abstracted from maps, plans, photographs; (ii) The world of movements, which can be abstracted from choreography, sport, or other movement diagrams; and (iii) The world of events, which is abstracted from news photographs. At first, the importance of each level depends only on how each is interpreted by the viewer, since each level can always be seen against the background of another. It appears to be the Transcripts argument that only the striking relationship between the three levels makes for the architectural experience. So entangled are these levels with one another that at any moment they are perfectly interchangeable. Making the Transcripts never attempt to rise above contradictions between object, man and event in order to bring them to a new synthesis; but instead, they aim to maintain these contradictions in a dynamic manner. Tschumi states, In their i ndividual state, objects, movement, events are simply discontinuous. Only when they unite do they establish an instant of continuity. Such disjunction implies a dynamic conception posed against a static definition of architecture, an excessive movement that brings architecture to its limits. Tschumis purpose of the tripartite mode of notation (events, movements, spaces) was to introduce the order of experience and the order of time (moments, intervals, sequences) for all inevitably intervene in the reading of the city. It is also seen as a need to question the modes of representation generally used by architects: plans, sections, axonometrics and perspectives. The insertion of movement into the overall architectural scheme meant that Tschumi had to breaking down some of the traditional components of architecture which permitted the independent manipulation of each new part according to narrative or formal considerations. For example, the plans of the Park, the section of the Street, the axonometrics of the Tower, the perspectives of the Block all follow (and sometimes question) the internal logic of their modes of representation. The compositional implications of an axonometric (an abstract projection according to the rules of descriptive geometry) are, as a result, widely different from those of a perspective with a single vanishing point. A particular case is explored in the forth episode of the Transcripts. As opposed to the plans, maps, or axonometrics used in the early episodes, the perspectiv al description of buildings is concomitant with their photographic record; the photograph acts as the origin of the architectural image. The perspective image is no longer a mode of three dimensional drawing, but the direct extension of the photographic mode of perception. The same applies to the movement notation. An extension from the drawn conventions of choreography, it attempts to eliminate the preconceived meanings given to particular actions so as to concentrate on their spatial effects: the movement of bodies in space. The early MTs introduce the idea of movement in general by freely improvising movement patterns, from the fugitives to the street-fighters. The last MT analyzes highly formalised movement diagrams of dancers, football players, skaters, army tacticians and acrobats. Rather than merely indicating directional arrows on neutral surface, the logic of movement notation ultimately suggests real corridors of space, as if the dancer had been carving space out of pliabl e substance; or the reverse, shaping continuous volumes , as if a whole movement had been literally solidified, frozen into a permanent and massive vector. Each event with in the Transcripts is represented by a photo, in an attempt to get to get the viewer closer to an objectivity which is often missing from architectural programs. Tschumi describes the Manhattan Transcripts as not an accumulation of events; they display a particular organisation. Their chief characteristic is the sequence, a composite succession of frames that confronts spaces, movement, and events, each with its own structure and inherent set of rules. The narratives implied by these composite sequences may be linear, deconstructed, or dissociated. MT 1 is linear, while MT 2 only appears to be so; MT 3 depicts two unrelated moments, while MT 4 exhausts the narrative, meaning it deconstructs programs in the same way that it deconstructs forms and movements. The Transcripts share a similarity to films. Both share a frame by frame technique, spaces are not only composed, but it is also developed from shot to shot so that the final meaning of each shot depends on its context. The relationship of one frame to the next is indispensable insofar as no analysis of any one frame can accurately reveal how the space was handled altogether. The Transcript s are thus not self-contained images. They establish a memory of the preceding frame, of the course of events. Their final meaning is cumulative; it does not depend merely on a single frame (such as a facade), but on succession of frames or spaces. In any case, the Transcripts always display at least two conflicting fields: first, the framing device square, healthy, conformist, normal and predictable, regular and comforting, correct. Second, the framed material, a place that only questions, distorts, compresses, displaces. Both are necessary. Neither is inherently special; neither communicates by itself. It is the play between them that does their distance and its occasional transgression, when the frame itself becomes the object of distortions. The frame permits the extreme formal manipulation of the sequence, for the content or congenial frames can be mixed up, superposed, faded in, cut up, giving endless possibilities to the narrative sequence. The last Transcript eliminates al l that is inessential to the architecture of the city. Spaces, movements, events are contracted into only fragments absolutely necessary to outline the overall structure. Since each frame is isolated from the next, architecture can begin to act as a series of surprises, a form of architectural jump-cut, where space is carefully broken apart and then reassembled at the limits. Tschumi records his classification of a number of words; two of them stand out, while researching the Manhattan Transcripts: Event: an incident, an occurrence; a particular item in a programme. Events can encompass particular uses, singular functions or isolated activities. They include moments of passion, acts of love and the instant of death. Events have an independent existence. Rarely are they purely the consequence of their surroundings. In literature, they belong to the category of the narrative (as opposed to the descriptive). Movement: the action or process of moving (In a poem or narrative: progress or incidents, development of a plot). Also: the inevitable intrusion of bodies into the controlled order of architecture. Entering a building: an act that violates the balance of a precisely ordered geometry (do architectural photographs ever include runners, fighters, lovers?); bodies that carve unexpected spaces through their fluid or erratic motions. Architecture, then, is only an organism passively engaged in constant intercourse with users, whose bodies rush against the carefully established rules of architectural thought. In the early days of developing and drawing The Manhattan Transcripts, Tschumi arrived at the tripartite notation of space, event, and movement and literally introduced the idea of movement as a separate term in the equation. Tschumis first assumption was that architecture begins with movement. For example, one enters a building, one passes through it, one climbs stairs, one goes from one space to another, and that network of routes being what really forms architecture. Even through architecture can be made of static spaces, the interaction between the static and the dynamic is what really constitutes it. This allowed Tschumi to take the argument to the next level and introduce and advance the notion of program, and then at a later stage to develop it more precisely. Traditional means of architectural representation (plans, sections, perspectives, axonometrics) have a number of limitations. Tschumi believed the idea of the event which evolved out of his theoretical work couldnt be re presented through these means. But it had been extensively documented in other disciplines such as dance, certain sports, and film theory, as well as in the work of a number of performance artists. Artist like Dan Graham, Bruce Nauman and Bruce McLean, all show an extensive representation of events and movement within their work. In the 1970s, Dan Graham worked with performance, film and video to explore changes in individual and group consciousness and the limits of private and public space. His video surveillance Time Delay and Present and continuous Past(s) installations create an event space that transforms the audience into part of the performance while also allowing interaction with the performer. The film Body Press show two filmmakers standing within a completely mirrored surrounding, without moving their bodies, hands holding and pressing a cameras back-end flush to, while slowly rotating it about, the surface cylinder of their individual bodies. One rotation goes around the bodys contour, spiralling slightly upwards with the next turn. This continues up and down the body and then the camera is exchanged and the process repeated. The cameras film the image reflected on the mirror, the body of the performer and possibly his eyes on the mirror. This movement of the camera tries to act or be seen as an extension of the bodys identity. The events created through the experience of his work are further highlighted through his built forms. The architecture of Dan Grahams own pavilions acknowledges the fantasy of the significance of the viewer in a space in culture. His structures are precisely designed for specific situations. People entering or observing them are able to look at these situations and their place within them. Any change in the lighting provokes a change in the relative reflectivity or transparency of the pavilions two-way mirror glass, putting the relationships between people and their surroundings into constant flux. People look at nature, at themselves superimposed on it, at others looking at them, at others looking at others looking at them: an endless equivalence directed at the possibility of acute social (self) consciousness In the 1970s, Bruce McLean changed the medium of his natural mode of expressive performance, from art, to live performance and pose. On his return to painting, the experience played a big role is his later work. He made a series of large works on paper inspired by some magazine photographs of Chinese acrobats. These were extremely simple and direct but where the first to exploit the possibilities of emblematic colour in relation to political symbolism. The acrobats of politics were depicted as engaged in their self-absorbed feats in arenas of performance suspiciously uncomplicated, against backgrounds that signified, in the way that flags do, certainties of value and allegiance; such certainties came in different colours. Even though simple these paintings expressed movement across a plane and the idea of event, a space where this movement is being enjoyed. Among many which represent some form of event and movement, McLeans Ambre Solaire painting highlights how well this medium captu res the movement and activity. Presented on a black background with neon orange figures and brushed bodies in bronze, the light green and white that represent the splash, perfectly brings it to life. It feels bright and inviting. The Transcripts represent a collects of drawings which proposed a new way of architectural interpretations. These try to also propose new ways to present movement and event. The Transcript achieves this is some areas, the event is only clearly represented within the photographs but fail to be clear within the drawings. Some photos also dont give a clear idea of the scene proposed. Where as representation of movement and event highlighted by the artist Dan Graham and Bruce McLean show with little interpretation what the main goal they are trying to present. The Manhattan Transcripts do portray is interesting and unique way for looking at a set of drawings with a very interesting program to follow which is hard to tie together but enjoyable to research.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Quest for Eternity in the Poetry of Dickinson Essay -- Biography Biogr

Quest for Eternity in the Poetry of Dickinson      Ã‚  Ã‚   Over the past few decades, a considerable number of comments have been made on the idea of eternity in Emily Dickinson's poetry. The following are several examples: Robert Weisbuch's Emily Dickinson's Poetry (1975), Jane Donahue Eberwein's Dickinson: Strategies of Limitation (1985), Dorothy Huff Oberhaus' Emily Dickinson's Fascicles: Method and Meaning (1995), and James McIntosh's Nimble Believing: Dickinson and the Unknown (2000). However, opinions vary as to how Dickinson explored the question regarding eternity; much ink has still been spent on the issue. This paper, therefore, provides another discussion of the idea of eternity depicted in Dickinson's poetry. I will discuss the issue by considering how her poems describe the process through which the poet finally reaches the belief in eternity-overcoming the feud between Christianity and scientific knowledge and that between Romanticism and existentialism.    As a beginning, let us look closely at one of the poems in which Dickinson gives a detailed account of a deathbed scene: The last Night that She lived It was a Common Night Except the Dying-this to Us Made Nature different We noticed smallest things- Things overlooked before By this great light upon our Minds Italicized-as 'twere. As We went out and in Between Her final Room And Rooms where Those to be alive Tomorrow were, a Blame That Others could exist While She must finish quite A Jealousy for Her arose So nearly infinite-- (P-1100)    It is presumed that Dickinson wrote this piece of verse in circa 1886. In May of that year, Laura Dickey, the wife of Frank W. of Michigan, ... ...Dickinson. 2 vols. 1974. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1994. Stocks, Kenneth. Emily Dickinson and the Modern Consciousness. Hong Kong: Macmillan, 1988. Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. Emily Dickinson. 1986. Reading: Addison, 1988. Works Consulted Kjaer, Niels Pastor. "The Poet of Moment: Emily Dickinson and Soren Kierkegaard." Dickinson Studies 59 (1986): 46-9. McIntosh, James. Nimble Believing: Dickinson and the Unknown. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2000. Oberhaus, Dorothy Huff. Emily Dickinson's Fascicles: Method and Meaning. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1995. Rosenbaum, S. P., ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1964. Scholnick, Robert J., ed. American Literature and Science. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1992. Weisbuch, Robert. Emily Dickinson's Poetry. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1975.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Effect of Daycare on the Parent-Child Relationship Essay example --

The parent-child relationship is crucial for both parties. Daycare centers are believed to often interfere with this vital relationship. I have chosen to explore the effects of daycare on the parent-child relationship. I have done this, in part, because I see this relationship on a frequent basis due to my employment at a daycare center. This topic is anthropologically interesting because the primary care givers of children are now often professional centers rather than family. When in the past, the child rearing was done by the child’s parents or close family. This new dimension of childhood care adds an interesting element to familial bonds and their strength, or lack of. Professional daycare centers are also a very debated and researched topic. Throughout the research, positives and negatives have been found in the topic of daycare centers, in particular the parent-child relationship. Generally, the effects of daycare are trumped by the effects of parenting. Will this still be the case with daycare centers gaining ground by, beginning available in some places 24 hours? Historically, children have been cared for and raised by family, either parents or extended family. More recently because of growing economic and social pressure, both parents have been entering the work force. This puts the job of childcare onto extended family or professional caregivers. The increase in professional child caregivers has raised questions in child development. One of these questions is about the parent child relationship. The parent-child relationship is historically the most influential in child’s life. Not all parent-child relationships are strong nor positive, but they still remain the most influential in a child’s life. There are four... ...opment 66.2 (1995): 474. Web. Lewin, Tamar. "3 New Studies Assess Effects of Child Care." The New York Times. The New York Times, 01 Nov. 2005. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. Lundy, Brenda. "Paternal Socio-psychological Factors and Infant Attachment: The Mediating Role of Synchrony in Father–infant Interactions." Infant Behavior and Development 25.2 (2002): 221-36. Web. Magana, Lynette C., Judith A. Myers-Walls, and Dee Love. "Different Types of Parent-Child Relationships." PPP: Family-Child Relationships. Purdue University, 2006. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Peterson, Carole, and Richard Peterson. "Parent—Child Interaction and Daycare: Does Quality of Daycare Matter?" Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 7.1 (1986): 1-15. Web. Shpancer, N. "The Effects of Daycare: Persistent Questions, Elusive Answers." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 21.2 (2006): 227-37. Web.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Is most efficient at heating water Essay

This was done by counting the number of different bonds broken i. e. C-H and using a data table to find out the amount of energy required. Secondly, I worked out the energy released by bonds being made again by counting the bonds and using a data table. I subtracted the second number from the first to work out the energy released by the alcohol. Methanol Balanced Equation: CH3OH+1. 5O2–>CO2+2H2O Bonds Broken Energy Required for Bond Breaking (kJ/mol) Bonds Made Energy Released from Bonds Made (kJ/mol). Total Ene  Bonds Broken Energy Required for Bond Breaking (kJ/mol) Bonds Made Energy Released from Bonds Made (kJ/mol) Total Energy Used + 12383 kJ/mol Total Energy Released – 15398 kJ/mol Total Molar Energy of Combustion. Heptanol Balanced Equation:   Bonds Broken Energy Required for Bond Breaking (kJ/mol) Bonds Made Energy Released from Bonds Made (kJ/mol)Total Energy Used + 14299 kJ/mol Total Energy Released.-Bonds Broken Energy Required for Bond Breaking (kJ/mol) Bonds Made Energy Released from Bonds Made (kJ/mol) 1/mol Total Molar Energy of Combustion, ? H (kJ/mol) = +16215-20222= -4007 This data justifies my hypothesis. More energy is released as you go up the series of alcohols therefore the water will heat up by a given temperature with less alcohol being burnt. GCSE CHEMISTRY COURSEWORK: Obtaining While obtaining evidence I took into account many safety points into consideration:   Safety goggles were worn at all times I stood up so I could quickly move out of the way if there were any spillages etc. I tucked my tie in my shirt to avoid it catching fire I also made sure I took accurate readings by: Stirring the water to maintain an even temperature   Closing windows that might cause a draught   Keeping the tin at the same height above the flame. Repeating anomalous results GCSE CHEMISTRY COURSEWORK: Analysing To produce a graph of ‘molecular mass’ versus ‘enthalpy of combustion’ both these values need to be calculated. Here is an example: First, the energy released has to be calculated. This can be done using the following formula: q=energy released m=mass of water (g) c=specific heat capacity of the liquid heated (4. 18J/g/i c for water) ?t=temperature change of water For my first piece of data this is how q would be calculated. Temperature Change: 10. 5i c Mass of Water: 400g (remember that water has a mass of 1g per cm3) Using the formula: q=400Ãâ€"4. 18Ãâ€"10. 5. Second, the molar heat of combustion must be calculated. This can be done using the following formula: -q=total energy transferred to the water (negative because the reaction is exothermic) n=number of moles (weight difference/formula mass) x1000=convert J’s to kJ’s Continuing with the same example: Energy Released: 17556J (this was worked out with the first equation) Weight Change: 1. 20g Formula Mass: 32g Using the formula: ? HMy original hypothesis was that as you go up the series of alcohols, less of the alcohol will have to be burnt for the given temperature rise. My results proved this hypothesis. The graph shows strong positive correlation proving that less alcohol is needed for the temperature rise as you go up the group. There are no anomalies, and there is hardly any scatter. When I compare my experimental data with my theoretical values I can see that although my experimental values follow the same trend, they show much less energy being given off per mole than the theoretical ones. This is because not all of the energy produced went into the water (explained in more detail in the evaluation). GCSE CHEMISTRY COURSEWORK: Evaluation. My experimental data agreed with the theoretically predicted values. When both sets of results were plotted onto a scatter graph, I could see that they both followed the same trend. However, the line representing the theoretically predicted values was lower down on the graph showing that the experimental values were lower than the predicted ones. This is because of the experimental errors detailed below. Reliability: I believe my data to be reliable. There is hardly any scatter as the results were close to the line, and there were no anomalies. The data was reliable enough to firmly support my conclusion. The fact that there was not much scatter shows this. However, the data was reliable but inaccurate because of the problems outlined below. If the data obtained was completely accurate then it would be on the theoretical data line. Experimental errors: It was impossible to get all the energy of the burning alcohol, using our equipment, into the can. Some inevitably escaped around the can and into the room. This explains why our results showed slightly more alcohol needing to be burned than the theoretical amount. Sources of experimental error:   Not all heat getting into the water (most escaped around the can or heated up the can)   Draughts blowing in from outside Modifications: If I was to do this experiment again I might either use a different calorimeter than a tin can i. e. one that conducted heat into the water more efficiently or simply put a lid on the can and insulate it. I would also do the experiment in an environment out of the open air to stop air currents changing my results and to concentrate the heat onto the water, rather than the air around. Further Work: I might do the same experiment but using alkanes instead of alcohols. I would investigate as to whether they produce the same trend as with alcohols and see whether they are more or less efficient.   GCSE Chemistry Coursework 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Contempary Management Skills

Contract Non- judicial Implications of a overstep of shove would Include potence going away of creditably In the marketplace and spillage of new/return business for the troupe who failed the resolution. Egg, a union selling goods and services, a legal injuryd reputation could give in the leaving of new and existing guest contracts. Egg. A breach of a lend contract, the potential detriment of credit rate affecting future credit potential and business opportunities. Flow on set up of consequent outcomes for the companionship against whom the breach has occurred (Ultimate 2013).Egg. A contract breach by a cable simple machine components play along against a auto manufacturing comp both would mean the car manufacturing companys inability to meet their customer contracts, potentially atomic number 82 to a competitive loss In the marketplace and financial ruin if consummate(a) enough. A personal example, Is when I pre- book a hotel for a holiday expecting my car to be serviced on time. However the rear of tube of agreement of the car servicing company by falling to have my car ready on time (2 long time late) meant I started my holiday late and lose 2 hotel nights.Flow on consequences also result in loss of competitive spotlight or opportunity for the party against whom the breach has occurred. Egg. If the contract rear of tube meant a company or individual was not stipendiary the monies due to them, there would be bemused opportunity to pursue other avenues for investment with those funds. Emotional distress for both the parties. This could be particularly pertinent in instances Involving individuals and should not be under-estimated if it involves a significant spiritedness Impact such as loss of financial position. Self help remedies gettable For the party who has breached the contact includePursing mention and negotiation with the contracted party to plow alternative arrangements and resolution to avoid litigation. For the part y against whom the breach has occurred understand the full endpoint and conditions of the contract to determine whether a slip for breech of contact is allowed without legal fork conduct a cost-benefit analysis of loss of the contract breech vs. the potential legal and non-legal be before Annihilating any litigation. Document a schedule of project cots/damages and the potential loss as a result of contract breech should a case for compensation be urged.Expectation / reliance loss document and strategy the position that would have been attained should the contract have been performed that the plaintiff would outcome notwithstanding minimize damages and legal costs (Ultimate 2013). Explore preventive strategies to minimize damage in the event of a contract breech. Egg. A landlord taking out dwell protection insurance for loss of take on to non-paying tenants rather than taking legal achievement against a tenets that is likely to be more than costly overall Ultimate, P 2013, Australian Business Law, 32nd Eden, ACH Australia Limited, Sydney, NEWS.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My First Day in School

instantly also when I recall my grey-haired memories of school I become charmed and happy. First daytimelight of my school when I admitted in strain I. When low conviction I entered in my school many felling were aroused in my mind and i was felling nervous and bit tensed. Although I was not a brilliant student not knowing even alphabets my teachers helped me in encyclopedism the alphabetsThat was the time when my first class began Manisha Maam entered in the class board e really student stood up and greeted favourable enough morning Maam in return Maam replied real good morning sit shoot mountain I also followed them Maam teaches us alphabets and how to use those alphabets in formulating the sentences and spoken language then bell rang Maam went away(p). Again close teacher entered in the class room and we stood up and greeted good morning Maam. Maam did not recognised my face as she had never seen me before in the class she immediately asked me the question very c ourteously Is this your first class? I replied yes Maam then she asked my name I answered Rashda Khanam she verbalise ok Rashda sit down pat(p) her name was Priyanka very soft, polite and scenic too. Again the bell rang this time nothing entered in the class room and any student went away along with their tiffin case. My mother also gave me the tiffin niche filled with alu paratha and tomatao chutney. I opened the box and started eating, suddenly my one of my classmate once more entered in the class room and said me very politely why argon you set alone? come outside I went outside with her along with my luncheon box and water bottle hanging in my neck, we all shared our lunch and I became friendly with every ashes in the first day of my school, bell rang recess everywhere every body were settled down at their respective places and waiting for the next teacher to come, within 5 mins dominate Angilee entered in the class room and asked for the fitting she assigned previ ous day I found the teacher trict I was seating silently, miss wrote some arithmetics on the blackboard 45 mins passed bell rang every body came out from the class waited for their guardian at the door to come and took them. I maxim my father was standing outside with cocoa ice-cream my favourite and then happily I reached my home and shared my first day experience with my parents. So this was my first day school and I am very pleased in recalling that day.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

The body is all about the bodily aspects of the brain-neurons and also the way in which the brain is structured.Many philosophers therefore make a important distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the thk same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as â€Å"the mind, human body problem†.Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer further evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul.It is located in space and time.Plato used evidence such as the â€Å"world of the forms†. He suggested deeds that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. The evidence of Plato’s theory can be seen everyday.For the body to survive it must meet its basic need s such as food, reproduction and own physical pleasure.

He thought that soul and the body were two unique materials.’ According to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body. Aquinas believed the only things that are divisible into parts decay. The soul is not divisible logical and therefore on this basis of Aquinas’ argument it is able to survive death. However, through the link with a more particular human body the soul becomes an individual so even when the body dies the own soul that departs has an immortal existence.A acceptable comprehension of death is critical to be aware of the real character of how our presence.This supports the dualist view as firstly, it proves that the soul is immortal and lives on after death, and secondly that the soul is separate from the body as the man who claims to be Jesus appears to be unrecognisable implying he has a different physical appearance. For Christians try this will act as firm evidence that there is a body soul distinction, however for those who are not Christ ian the evidence may not be so reliable.Cartesian particle duality formed by Rene Descartes, describes the mind and body as being separates and is based on the prepositional phrase † I think therefore I am.† Descartes explained that feelings and sensations cannot be located physically.

This economic theory is extremely vague however.Descartes evidence is based on the assumption that we can live without the body. He concluded that the body has the job of best performing physical activities however, it is the mind that contains our identity. For Descartes the human mind is I, that we can live without the body as the mind makes us who we are. Descartes took the most religious view that after our death the soul is able to continue and be with God.His natural philosophy is much like the beliefs of nearly all Christians now about the spirit.Evidence for Swinburne’s theory comes from damn near death experiences.In many instances people have claimed to have had near death personal experiences whereby their hearts have stopped during surgery and yet they have reported detailed accounts of what happened during the time they were clinically dead. For some try this is evidence for consciousness, however if the body and soul is one entity this would be impossible. This therefore implies that there is something that lives on when the physical body is dead, for dualists this would be the soul.

Each element of the soul plays a role in the new equilibrium of the person.Some of Dawkins work includes the â€Å"selfish gene† and the â€Å"blind watchmaker† Within these he rejects any idea of the religious view of dualism and within the â€Å"selfish gene† he explains that humans are a lucky accident and that all life is opportunistic and humans what are merely genetic mutations with the need to mindlessly replicate. Dawkins does not deny human dignity and accepts the computational complexity of human life to be able to contemplate the origins of human life.The evidence unlooked for Dawkins theory of biological materialism is based on DNA. Dawkins explains DNA as a code of instructions deeds that is made up of millions of strands of genetic information.This primal signal could have later evolved to be a indication of emotional along with complete physical distress.He stated that humans are one composite being, one substance. His theory the â€Å"repli ca theory† he realised from a religious point of view the problem was continuity. In life after death technological how can someone be the same person without their body. Therefore Hick suggests that there curfew must be some kind of replica.

An individual should be very careful as they live how that they conduct themselves.Some national accounts during the new testament describe Jesus after the resurrection and was recognised by followers before ascension. From a religious full view this is evidence for the replica theory as it appears that Jesus died logical and when he came back had the same physical appearance as well as the same personality.Identity theory puts forward a materialist view of the soul. Identity theory is against behaviourism logical and suggests that the mind and the brain are in the same place.Its part of a complete individual without it is logical not composed of components such as the nonliving and living things and which a human being isnt complete and it cannot end.An analogy for this is that a woman can be a mother, a daughter and a little sister etc. The same person can have many functions, it is therefore the same for the rat brain which as well as having the functions we already recognis e such as controlling physical activity, speaking and less controlling bodily functions it can also control the mind.Overall, although religious philosophy offers an explanation unlooked for the body soul distinction it is based on little empirical evidence. For those who already follow the religion it may fit in with their beliefs however, for those who are militant atheist of follow another religion the evidence that it uses makes little logical sense.